Stakeholder Engagement and Communications

Our Project ROI research shows stakeholder trust is the fuel that enables ESG to generate superior financial, social, and environmental returns. We design and implement stakeholder engagement strategies and communication strategies to build the trust and support of key stakeholders and audiences.

Our services include:

  • Designing Stakeholder Engagement Impact Strategies. Our research and experience show that the core objective of a Stakeholder Engagement Impact Strategy should be to build a network of business and external stakeholders committed to supporting the sustainably competitive success of your organization. Impact ROI applies our tested Stakeholder Mapping and Prioritization Tool, plus the Stakeholder Connection Framework from Project ROI’s research. We design strategies to transform stakeholder relationships to a competitive asset.
  • Stakeholder Convening and Facilitation. Impact ROI is a trusted facilitator and convener. We are able to pull together vital organizations and design an agenda that will address the priorities of our client and the participating stakeholders. We are able to create a collaborative space where participants can express candid feedback in a constructive manner. Convenings generate invaluable strategic intelligence and guidance. In addition, they form enduring relationships and trust.
  • Enhancing stakeholder governance for associations, partnerships, programs, standards bodies, etc. We have conducted leading research on how to engage and design effective stakeholder governance systems. We work with organizations to design and enhance effective stakeholder governance systems.
  • Stakeholder Needs and Expectations Assessments. We work with you to identify your priority stakeholders including business stakeholders such as customers, employees, and shareholders; and external stakeholders such as activists, communities, ESG associations, ESG investors, government officials, media, NGOs, neighbors, standards bodies, thought leaders, etc. We use a variety of research methods to assess their ESG needs, as well as their attitudes, awareness, and expectations for your performance as a good corporate citizen.
  • Customer Segmentation Surveys. Project ROI finds that business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) customers fall into segments regarding how they prioritize ESG factors in their purchasing decisions. Impact ROI can conduct Customer segmentation surveys that identify the size, demographics, and psychographic features of segments that will shape their purchasing decisions based on ESG performance and communications.
  • Enhancing stakeholder governance for associations, partnerships, programs, standards bodies, etc. We have conducted leading research that guides our work with clients on on how to engage and design effective stakeholder governance systems.